Prologues |
Genealogies of Jesus |
Jerusalem |
Announcement to Zacharias in the temple |
Jerusalem |
Zacharias' prayer (Thy holy courts, the light of Thy countenance) is heard |
Nazareth |
Announcement to the virgin Mary |
Nazareth |
Announcement to Joseph |
Nazareth |
He shall be called Jesus (Jeshua/Jehoshua) |
Bethlehem |
Mary's visit to Elizabeth |
Near Bethlehem |
Birth and naming of John the Baptist |
Journey from Nazareth to Bethlehem |
Bethlehem |
Birth of Jesus |
Bethlehem |
He is of the house and lineage of David |
Bethlehem |
Announcement to the shepherds |
Bethlehem |
Mary kept all these things and pondered them in her heart |
Bethlehem |
Jesus' circumcision and presentation in the temple |
Jerusalem |
Simeon and Anna at the temple |
Jerusalem |
Herod and some wise men |
Flight into Egypt to hide from Herod |
Bethlehem |
Slaughter of the infants |
Sent to Egypt to hide from Herod |
Return from Egypt to Nazareth |
Unknown |
Judean Wilderness |
Childhood of John |
Nazareth |
Childhood of Jesus |
Jerusalem |
Young Jesus in the temple at Passover |
Nazareth |
Mary kept all these sayings in her heart |
Nazareth |
Jesus' ministry draws near |
Judean Wilderness |
John testifies of Christ to prepare the way of the Lord |
Judean Wilderness |
Priests and Levites ask John, Are you that Prophet? |
Judean Wilderness |
A voice that cries in the wilderness |
Judean Wilderness |
Christ to administer justice, remove sins, bring to pass the resurrection |
Judean Wilderness |
O generation of vipers, why do you not receive this teaching? |
Bethabara |
Jesus' baptism |
Bethabara |
Suffer me to be baptized of you |
Bethabara |
You are my Son; this day I have begotten you |
Jerusalem |
John's imprisonment |
Judean Wilderness |
Jesus fasts 40 days, then is tempted by the Devil |
Galilee |
Ministry in Galilee |
Nazareth |
Jesus preaches in the synagogue at Nazareth |
Nazareth |
He announces His Messiahship and is rejected |
Sea of Galilee |
Inviting His first disciples: Andrew and Simon |
Sea of Galilee |
Inviting His first disciples: Jacob and John |
Sea of Galilee |
Inviting His first disciples: Philip and Nathaniel |
Capernaum |
Jesus teaches in a synagogue, casts out an unclean spirit |
Capernaum |
Healing of Peter's mother-in-law |
Capernaum |
Many sick were brought that evening and healed |
Capernaum |
Jesus departs from Capernaum |
Sea of Galilee |
Miracle of the multitude of fishes; be a fisher of men |
Attending a marriage at Cana |
Cana |
Water to wine: A sign of the Messiah and His authority |
Travel to Capernaum and Jerusalem |
Jerusalem |
Jesus attends Passover |
Jerusalem |
Cleansing of the temple |
Jerusalem |
A sign: I will replace the Holy of Holies in 3 days |
Jerusalem |
Discourse with Nicodemus |
Jerusalem |
A man must be born again |
Jerusalem |
We must accept baptism to join the new dispensation |
Jerusalem |
Moses lifted up a brass serpent in the wilderness |
Aenon near Salim |
John and Jesus baptize in Judea |
Aenon near Salim |
John testifies of Christ - I am sent before Him |
Aenon near Salim |
Authority comes from Heaven |
Aenon near Salim |
Jesus had limitless access to the record of Heaven |
Pharisees harden against Jesus |
He departs for Galilee through Samaria |
Samaria |
A Samaritan woman at Jacob's well at Shechem |
Samaria |
I give living water |
Samaria |
Jesus stays and teaches 2 days |
Towards Galilee |
A prophet has no honor in his own country |
Cana |
Healing a wealthy man's son |
Jerusalem |
Jesus attends the Feast of Tabernacles |
Jerusalem |
Healing at the pool of Bethesda |
Jerusalem |
Discourse: Witness of the Father |
Jerusalem |
I know the Father's ways |
Jerusalem |
I have authority to judge |
Galilee |
1st preaching tour in Galilee |
Galilee |
Multitudes follow Jesus; He ascends into a mountain |
Galilee |
Jesus' disciples come to Him; He teaches them |
Galilee |
The Beatitudes |
Galilee |
The salt of the earth |
Galilee |
The Light of the world |
Galilee |
The Law and the Prophets |
Galilee |
God's judgments: murder and anger |
Galilee |
Adultery |
Galilee |
Parable of casting out sins |
Galilee |
Teachings concerning adultery and divorce |
Galilee |
Swear not at all; perform oaths unto the Lord |
Galilee |
Return good for evil |
Galilee |
Love your enemies |
Galilee |
Be perfect as your Father in Heaven |
Galilee |
Almsgiving in secret |
Galilee |
Pray in secret |
Galilee |
The Lord's Prayer |
Galilee |
If you forgive men their trespasses, your Father in Heaven will also forgive you |
Galilee |
Fasting |
Galilee |
Lay up treasures in Heaven |
Galilee |
An eye single to God |
Galilee |
Cannot serve 2 masters |
Galilee |
Take no thought; trust in the Lord |
Galilee |
Judging |
Galilee |
Cast not pearls before swine |
Galilee |
God gives good gifts to those who ask |
Galilee |
The Golden Rule |
Galilee |
Strait is the gate that leads to eternal life |
Galilee |
You shall know them by their fruits |
Galilee |
Those who say, Lord, Lord: You never knew me (Who are His seed?) |
Galilee |
Parable of the two builders |
Galilee |
Effect of the sermon/hymn |
Galilee |
Cleansing of a leper: Jesus says, I am willing |
Capernaum |
Son of Man has nowhere to lay His head |
Sea of Galilee |
Stilling a storm |
Geresa/ |
Legion and swine |
Nazareth |
Healing of a paralytic: Easier to forgive sins or heal? |
Capernaum? |
Matthew invited to follow Jesus |
Capernaum? |
A feast at Matthew's house |
Capernaum? |
The whole need not a physician |
Capernaum? |
Dining with publicans and sinners |
Capernaum? |
A question about fasting |
Capernaum? |
Pharisee baptism not acceptable |
Capernaum? |
Men don't put new wine into old bottle, new cloth on old |
Capernaum? |
Jairus' daughter healed |
Capernaum? |
A woman with an issue of blood |
Capernaum? |
2 blind men |
Capernaum? |
A mute demoniac healed |
Galilee |
Christ ascends into a mountain; He calls His disciples to Him |
Galilee |
He chooses the 12 |
Galilee |
They descend onto the plain; His virtue heals the multitude |
Galilee |
The Beatitudes |
Galilee |
Woes |
Galilee |
Love your enemies |
Galilee |
Judging |
Galilee |
The Golden Rule |
Galilee |
Parable of the beam in your own eye |
Galilee |
Why do you say, Lord, Lord? |
Galilee |
Parable of the two builders |
Capernaum |
Healing a centurion's servant |
Nain |
A widow's son is raised from the dead |
Galilee |
The harvest is great; laborers are few |
Galilee |
Jesus empowers, commissions, sends the 12 to preach |
Galilee |
His instructions to them |
Galilee |
John the Baptist sends disciples to Jesus |
Galilee |
Jesus testifies of John: No greater prophet |
Galilee |
Woes pronounced on Galilean cities |
Galilee |
Jesus thanks the Father |
Galilee |
Come unto me; I will give you rest; take my yoke upon you |
Galilee |
I am meek and lowly of heart |
Galilee |
Jesus dines with Simon the Pharisee |
Galilee |
A woman anoints Jesus' feet |
Galilee |
Parable of 2 debtors |
Galilee |
Pharisees accuse Jesus of breaking the Sabbath |
Galilee |
Healing a man with a withered hand |
Galilee |
Jesus accused of colluding with Beelzebub |
Galilee |
A blind mute healed |
Galilee |
A house divided |
Galilee |
Blasphemy against the holy ghost |
Galilee |
A good tree brings forth good fruit |
Galilee |
O generation of vipers, by your words you shall be justified or condemned |
Galilee |
The sign of Jonah |
Galilee |
Jesus' true kindred |
Galilee |
Jesus' traveling companions |
Sea of Galilee |
Parable of a sower |
Sea of Galilee |
The reason for speaking in parables |
Sea of Galilee |
Interpretation of the parable of a sower |
Sea of Galilee |
A candle is put on a candlestick to be seen |
Sea of Galilee |
He who has ears to hear, let him hear |
Sea of Galilee |
As you give, so shall you receive |
Sea of Galilee |
Parable of a seed growing secretly |
Sea of Galilee |
Parable of the tares |
Sea of Galilee |
Parable of a mustard seed |
Sea of Galilee |
Parable of the leaven |
Sea of Galilee |
Jesus' use of parables |
Sea of Galilee |
Interpretation of the parable of the tares |
Sea of Galilee |
Parable of treasure hidden in a field |
Sea of Galilee |
Parable of a pearl of great price |
Sea of Galilee |
Parable of a net |
Sea of Galilee |
Parable of a householder - treasures new and old |
Nazareth |
Is this not the carpenter's son? (He is uncredentialed) |
Nazareth |
Jesus is despised and again rejected at Nazareth |
Jerusalem |
Herod, as governor, has concerns about Jesus |
Jerusalem |
John the Baptist's death recounted |
Bethsaida |
Return of the apostles at Passover |
Near Bethsaida |
After John's death, Jesus prays alone; teaches and heals many |
Near Bethsaida |
Jesus feeds 5,000 |
Near Bethsaida |
Some of the multitude recognize this sign of the Messiah |
Sea of Galilee |
Jesus and Peter walking on water |
Sea of Galilee |
Disciples recognize His greeting as a sign of the Messiah |
Sea of Galilee |
A multitude follows Jesus: You follow me for the wrong food |
Gennesaret |
Touching His garment heals many |
Capernaum |
Scribes/Pharisees accuse disciples, but do not keep the law themselves |
Capernaum |
Bread of Life sermon in the synagogue |
Capernaum |
Many disciples turn away at His hard teachings |
Capernaum |
Parable: Traditions can defile |
Capernaum |
The parable interpreted to the disciples |
Tyre/ |
Healing a Canaanite woman's child |
Tyre/ |
Even the dogs eat crumbs |
Mtn near Sea of Gal |
Jesus heals a deaf mute and many others |
Mtn near Sea of Gal |
Jesus feeds 4,000 |
Magdala |
Jesus travels near Magdala |
Magdala |
Pharisees seek a sign |
Sea of Galilee |
Beware of the leaven of Pharisees/Sadducees (dry ground) |
Bethsaida |
A blind man is healed in stages |
Caesarea Philippi |
To whom shall we go? |
Caesarea Philippi |
Whom do men say that I am? Peter: You are the Christ. |
Caesarea Philippi |
Keys and sealing power promised to Peter |
Caesarea Philippi |
Jesus foretells His atonement, crucifixion, and resurrection |
Caesarea Philippi |
Peter rebuked as Satan |
Caesarea Philippi |
Take up your cross; some not to taste death until they see His return |
Jesus remains in Galilee (Jews in Judea seek to kill Him) |
Mt. Hermon/ |
Jesus' transfiguration |
Mt. Hermon/ |
The Father speaks and Jesus enters the cloud into His presence |
Mt. Hermon/ |
The coming of Elias |
Mt. Hermon/ |
The Son of Man must suffer many things |
Galilee |
Jesus heals a demoniac boy |
Galilee |
Disciples' unbelief: This kind requires fasting and prayer |
Galilee |
Jesus foretells His atonement, crucifixion, and resurrection |
Capernaum |
Tribute coin in a fish's mouth |
Galilee |
To be great, become as a little child |
Galilee |
Forbid not any; he that is not against us is for us |
Galilee |
Warnings concerning offenses |
Galilee |
Parable of the lost sheep |
Galilee |
Reproving one's brother |
Galilee |
Disciples given sealing power |
Galilee |
Where 2 or 3 are gathered together |
Galilee |
How often shall I forgive? 70x7 times |
Galilee |
Parable of an unmerciful servant |
Galilee |
Decision to go quietly to Jerusalem for Feast of Tabernacles |
Jesus enters Capernaum; departs into Judea; heals many |
Jesus is rejected in a Samaritan village |
Perea? |
No man looking back is fit for the kingdom |
Perea? |
Commissioning the 70 |
Perea? |
Woes pronounced on Galilean cities |
Perea? |
He who hears you, hears me |
Perea? |
The 70 return |
Perea? |
Jesus giving thanks to the Father |
Perea? |
Who is my neighbor? |
Perea? |
Parable of the good Samaritan |
Perea? |
Mary and Martha: Mary has chosen that good part |
Perea? |
The Lord's Prayer |
Perea? |
Parable of a friend at midnight |
Perea? |
Ask, seek, knock |
Perea? |
Jesus accused of colluding with Beelzebub; a house divided |
Perea? |
A returning evil spirit brings seven others |
Perea? |
A woman blesses Jesus' mother; He responds |
Perea? |
The sign of Jonah |
Perea? |
Concerning light: put candle on candlestick, if an eye be single |
Perea? |
Christ does not wash when dining with Pharisees |
Perea? |
Discourses against the Pharisees and lawyers |
Perea? |
You enter not in yourselves |
Perea? |
Beware of the leaven of the Pharisees (dry ground) |
Perea? |
Fear him who can cast you to hell |
Perea? |
Confess/deny Christ, and He will confess/deny you before the angels |
Perea? |
Blasphemy against the holy ghost |
Perea? |
Help from the holy ghost |
Perea? |
Beware of covetousness |
Perea? |
Parable of a rich fool preserving his treasures |
Perea? |
Take no thought for the morrow |
Perea? |
Treasures in Heaven |
Perea? |
Parable of the serving master |
Perea? |
Parable of a householder |
Perea? |
Interpreting the parables - a faithful and wise servant |
Perea? |
Christ to sow division |
Perea? |
Discerning the times |
Perea? |
Repent or perish |
Perea? |
Parable of a barren fig tree |
Perea? |
Healing of a crippled woman on the Sabbath |
Perea? |
Parable of a mustard seed |
Perea? |
Parable of the leaven |
Perea? |
Exclusion from the Kingdom; first shall be last, last shall be first |
Perea? |
A warning about Herod; Jesus again prophesies His death |
Perea? |
Lament over Jerusalem |
Perea? |
Healing of a man with edema (dropsy) on the Sabbath |
Perea? |
Parable of a wedding invitation - Exalted are abased, humble are exalted |
Perea? |
Parable of a great supper |
Perea? |
Counting the cost first: Parables of the tower and going to war |
Perea? |
We have Moses and the prophets; You know them not |
Perea? |
Parable of salt |
Perea? |
Parable of a lost sheep |
Perea? |
Parable of a lost coin |
Perea? |
Parable of a prodigal son |
Perea? |
Parable of an unjust steward |
Perea? |
Faithfulness in that which is least |
Perea? |
No man can serve 2 masters |
Perea? |
Pharisees reproved; Who made you a ruler and a judge? |
Perea? |
The Law and the Prophets testify of me |
Perea? |
Teachings concerning adultery and divorce |
Perea? |
Parable of a rich man (Divesǂ) and the beggar Lazarus |
Perea? |
Better a millstone be hung around neck than offend little ones |
Perea? |
Forgive all as often as they ask |
Perea? |
Faith as a grain of a mustard seed |
Perea? |
We are unprofitable servants |
Perea? |
Cleansing of the 10 lepers |
Perea? |
The coming of the Kingdom of God |
Perea? |
As in the days of Noah, so also the days of the Son of Man |
Perea? |
Parable of a widow and a judge |
Perea? |
Parable of a Pharisee and a publican |
Temple |
Teachings in the temple: Not my doctrine, but the Father's |
Temple |
Jewish leaders are confused by and reject Jesus' teachings |
Temple |
Is not this the man the leaders want to kill? |
Temple |
Christ preaches openly; officers sent to seize Him |
Temple |
Where I am, there you cannot go |
The last day of the Feast of Tabernacles |
Jerusalem |
The holy ghost as a fountain of living waters for believers |
Jerusalem |
Shall Christ come out of Galilee? Holy ghost to testify of Him |
Jerusalem |
Nicodemus defends Jesus |
Jerusalem |
Jesus spends the night on the Mount of Olives |
Temple |
A woman caught in adultery* |
Temple |
I am the Light of the world |
Temple |
The Father bears witness of me |
Temple |
Where I go you cannot come |
Temple |
The truth will make you free |
Temple |
You are not children of Abraham, but of your father the Devil, the accuser |
Temple |
Before Abraham was, I am |
Temple |
They take up stones; Jesus hides from their view and departs |
Jerusalem |
Jesus heals a man born blind |
Jerusalem |
Parable of a good shepherd |
Jerusalem |
Other sheep not of this fold |
Jerusalem |
Jesus will give His life voluntarily |
Jerusalem |
Division again among the Jews about Jesus |
Judea? |
Divorce: What God has joined together |
Judea? |
Suffer little children to come unto me |
Judea? |
A rich young ruler |
Judea? |
Easier for a camel to go through the eye of a needle |
Judea? |
The 12 to judge the tribes of Israel |
Judea? |
Parable of the compassionate employer |
Judea? |
Those who leave all to follow Christ receive eternal life |
Judea? |
Last shall be first, first shall be last; many called, few chosen |
Jerusalem |
Jesus at the Feast of Dedication |
Jerusalem |
Jews challenge who Jesus is; my sheep hear me; one fold, one shepherd |
Perea |
Jesus escapes to beyond Jordan; many believe John's words of Him |
Perea |
Jesus hears of Lazarus' sickness; purpose is to glorify the Son of God |
Judea |
Jesus prophesies of His death in Jerusalem |
Jericho |
Request from mother of Zebedee's sons; Christ says, Not mine to give |
Jericho |
Healing of 2 blind men, including Bartimaeus |
Jericho |
Zacchaeus |
Jericho |
Parable of 10 servants who are given 10 pounds |
Bethany |
Jesus raises Lazarus from the grave |
Jerusalem |
Caiaphas prophesies and plots Jesus' death |
Ephraim |
Jesus leaves the Jews, continues with his disciples |
Jerusalem |
Chief priests and Pharisees command Jesus be watched for and taken |
Bethany |
Supper at Simon the leper's house |
Bethany |
Is not a sheep shorn before it is sacrificed? (7 locks of His hair) |
Bethany |
Mary, the Elect Lady, anoints Jesus for his burial; Judas protests |
Bethany |
Many people come to see both Lazarus and Jesus |
Jerusalem |
Conspiracy against Lazarus |
Jerusalem |
2 disciples sent for a colt |
Jerusalem |
Jesus' triumphal entry into Jerusalem |
Jerusalem |
Jesus enters the temple, blesses His disciples |
Jerusalem |
Pharisees upset at His reception and their rejection |
Jerusalem |
Greeks seek Jesus with Philip's help |
Jerusalem |
Parable of a buried kernel of wheat |
Jerusalem |
Jesus weeps over Jerusalem |
Jerusalem |
The Father's voice declares, Everything you do honors me |
Jerusalem |
Unbelief of the people fulfills prophecy |
Jerusalem |
Some of the Sanhedrin believe secretly |
Jerusalem |
Jesus came not to judge the world, but to save the world |
Jerusalem |
Cursing of a fig tree |
Jerusalem |
Cleansing of the temple again |
Jerusalem |
Many are healed and hail the Son of David |
Jerusalem |
Out of the mouth of babes |
Jerusalem |
The fig tree is withered |
Jerusalem |
If you do not forgive others, Father will not forgive you |
Temple |
Jesus' authority questioned; He first asks them to tell the origin of John's authority |
Temple |
Parable of 2 sons |
Temple |
Parable of a noble vineyard owner and his son |
Temple |
I am the rejected stone, the head of the corner |
Temple |
The Kingdom will be taken from the Jews |
Temple |
Parable of the wedding feast |
Temple |
Render unto Caesar |
Temple |
Married to which of her 7 husbands in the afterlife? |
Temple |
Which is the greatest commandment? |
Temple |
A scribe responds well |
Temple |
How can David's Lord also be his son? |
Temple |
Beware of the scribes and Pharisees who sit in the chief seats |
Temple |
He that is greatest among you shall be your servant |
Temple |
Jesus incites the scribes and Pharisees, calling them a generation of vipers |
Temple |
Jesus weeps over Jerusalem: I would have gathered you as a hen gathers her chicks |
Temple |
A widow's mites |
Mount of Olives |
Prophecy of the destruction of the temple |
Mount of Olives |
What is the sign of your coming? |
Mount of Olives |
Persecutions, false prophets, and iniquity foretold |
Mount of Olives |
Abomination of desolation foretold by Daniel brings tribulation |
Mount of Olives |
False christs and false prophets |
Mount of Olives |
Parable of where the body is, eagles (angels) gather |
Mount of Olives |
The coming of the Son of Man |
Mount of Olives |
Parable of a fig tree, a sign of His coming |
Mount of Olives |
As it was in the days of Noah |
Mount of Olives |
Watch; He comes as a thief in the night |
Mount of Olives |
Parable: Who then is a wise servant? |
Mount of Olives |
Parable of the 10 virgins |
Mount of Olives |
Parable of the talents |
Mount of Olives |
Judgment at His coming in glory: dividing sheep from goats |
Mount of Olives |
When did we see you hungry, thirsty, etc.? |
Near Jerusalem |
Christ again predicts his betrayal and crucifixion |
At night on the Mount of Olives; at the temple in the day |
Jerusalem |
Chief priests, scribes, elders plot with Caiaphas on when to kill Jesus |
Jerusalem |
Judas arranges his betrayal for 30 pieces of silver |
Jerusalem |
Preparation for the Passover |
Jerusalem |
Jesus desires to share the Passover meal with His disciples |
Jerusalem |
Bread and wine in remembrance of Him as a covenant sign |
Jerusalem |
Jesus washes the disciples' feet |
Jerusalem |
Peter protests; Jesus explains the need |
Jerusalem |
Jesus has given the example |
Jerusalem |
Jesus foretells and reveals the betrayal of Judas |
Jerusalem |
Judas, do what you do quickly; he departs the group |
Jerusalem |
Who should be greatest among the disciples? |
Jerusalem |
God is glorified in the Son of God |
Jerusalem |
A new commandment: Love one another as I have loved you |
Jerusalem |
Jesus prophesies Peter will deny Him three times |
Jerusalem |
When you are converted, strengthen your brethren |
Jerusalem |
Here are 2 swords; it is enough |
Jerusalem |
Lord, where are you going? |
Jerusalem |
Show us the Father |
Jerusalem |
The Father is one with me |
Jerusalem |
Followers will do the greater works I do next |
Jerusalem |
If you love me, stand ready, watching for every communication I will send to you |
Jerusalem |
Another Comforter: the record of Heaven, the Holy Ghost |
Jerusalem |
Peace I leave with you |
Jerusalem |
Jesus, the true vine |
Jerusalem |
If you keep my commandments, you shall abide in my love |
Jerusalem |
Love one another; no greater love |
Jerusalem |
You are my friends if you do what I communicate to you |
Jerusalem |
Persecutions |
Jerusalem |
Jesus will send the Comforter which will guide you to all truth |
Jerusalem |
Your sorrow shall be turned to joy and rejoicing |
Jerusalem |
The Father loves you because you have loved me |
Jerusalem |
Disciples shall scatter; Jesus left alone, but the Father is with Him |
Jerusalem |
His intercessory prayer |
Disciples follow Jesus eastward across the Cedron brook to the Mount of Olives, outside the wall of Jerusalem |
Mount of Olives |
Gethsemane |
Gethsemane |
His disciples are amazed, collapse to the ground |
Gethsemane |
A stone's cast from those with Him; He is alone |
Gethsemane |
If this cup may not pass away from me except I drink it, Your will be done |
Gethsemane |
An angel appears to strengthen Him |
Gethsemane |
Great drops of blood fall to the ground 7 times (7 pairs of waves of torment) |
Gethsemane |
Judas betrays Christ with a kiss |
Gethsemane |
Jesus questions those seeking to take Him; the soldiers fall |
Gethsemane |
Let these go their way |
Gethsemane |
Peter cuts off Malchus' ear; Jesus restores it |
Gethsemane |
The disciples flee |
Jesus is arrested, bound, taken to Annas |
Caiaphas' Palace |
Peter, in the crowd, denies Christ |
Caiaphas' Palace |
Jesus' trial before the Council/Sanhedrin |
Caiaphas' Palace |
Peter denies Christ twice more; a cock crows |
Caiaphas' Palace |
Soldiers mock Christ |
Jerusalem |
Hearing before Caiaphas |
Jerusalem |
Jesus delivered to Pilate at Antonia, the Roman judgment hall |
Jerusalem |
Death of Judas |
Jerusalem |
Herod and his soldiers mock Jesus, who remains silent |
Jerusalem |
2nd hearing before Pilate; Jesus is scourged |
Jerusalem |
Are you the king of the Jews? You say truly |
Jerusalem |
Pilate's wife has a vision |
Jerusalem |
Jesus or Barabbas (Bar-Abba)? |
Jerusalem |
Pilate must release one; Jews demand Barabbas' release |
Jerusalem |
Release of Barabbas, though laden with sin (sedition, murder) |
Jerusalem |
Jesus is mocked and wounded by the soldiers; crown of thorns |
Jerusalem |
Crucify Him! Crucify Him! (the one not freed is condemned by His own people, His house) |
Jerusalem |
Pilate declares Jesus innocent |
Jerusalem |
Pilate washes his hands, claiming he's guiltless of Jesus' blood |
Jerusalem |
Pilate delivers Jesus to the Jews to be crucified |
Jerusalem |
Pilot prepares Jesus' plaque: JESUS OF NAZARETH, KING OF THE JEWS |
North of city walls |
The road to Golgotha |
North of city walls |
His crucifixion at Calvary |
Calvary |
Father, forgive them, for they know not what they do |
Calvary |
Jesus given vinegar, soldiers part His garments and cast lots |
Calvary |
Jesus is derided: If you are the Christ, save yourself |
Calvary |
The 2 thieves |
Darkness from the 6th-9th hours |
Calvary |
Jesus sings: Eli, Eli, lama sabachthani |
Calvary |
Mother Mary put in John's care |
Calvary |
Death of Jesus Christ at the 9th hour: It is finished |
Temple |
Temple veil is rent, exposing the mercy seat |
Graves are opened |
Calvary |
Centurion: Truly, this man is the Son of God |
Calvary |
Many women and others witness the crucifixion |
Calvary |
Jesus' legs are not broken, but His side is pierced |
North of city walls |
Burial of Jesus in a borrowed garden tomb |
Jerusalem |
The Council sets a guard at the tomb |
Passover begins at sundown (Num 7:2, 3 Ne 4:2) |
North of city walls |
Mary, the Elect Lady, visits the tomb very early |
North of city walls |
She sees the stone rolled back and 2 angels |
Jerusalem |
She runs and tells the disciples, who don't believe her |
North of city walls |
Peter and John go and find the tomb empty, then leave |
North of city walls |
Mary, the Elect Lady, stays and weeps at the tomb |
North of city walls |
Jesus greets her; Hold me not/You cannot hold me here |
Jerusalem |
Mary goes back and tells the disciples she has seen Him |
North of city walls |
Meanwhile, other women bring spices to the tomb |
North of city walls |
The women are greeted by 2 angels, then leave to tell disciples |
North of city walls |
Jesus appears to those women en route; sends a message with them for His disciples |
Jerusalem |
The guard's report; bribed to lie |
Jesus walks with 2 disciples on the road to Emmaus |
Jerusalem |
Jesus appears to Simon (Peter) |
Jerusalem |
Jesus appears to a group that includes His disciples, but without Thomas |
Jerusalem |
Jesus appears to His disciples including Thomas, who doubted; upbraids them for not believing |
Jerusalem |
Go into all the world and preach the gospel |
Sea of Galilee |
Jesus appears to His disciples by the Sea of Galilee |
Sea of Galilee |
Simon, do you love Me? Take care of my lambs |
Sea of Galilee |
John will tarry until Jesus returns |
Galilee |
Jesus sends them to a nearby mountain and visits them there |
Outside Jerusalem |
Jesus appears to a group of above 500 followers |
Unknown |
Jesus appears at some point to Jacob |
Near Bethany |
Jesus appears to a gathering at His ascension into Heaven |
Many other signs done in the presence of His disciples |
John: I testify of these things that I have written |
He received not the fulness at first; (missing portion from the fulness of John's record - see T&C 93:2-7) |
Jesus is the Walker in the Path, proving His Father's path |
Many other things which Jesus did, which if written, would fill the world |
* A well-known and accepted story that was not originally part of John's Testimony, but was added later by a monk copyist.
ǂ Dives is Latin for "rich" and was initially used to name the rich man in the parable with Lazarus. (See also T&C 105:5 and "Dives" in the T&C Glossary)
† Animals were slaughtered in the outer court - outside the temple walls and to the north of the altar.
M References that point to Moses' example (Deut 6:4).
Some of the information and interpretations in this Gospels Harmony can be verified in the book Come, Let Us Adore Him.