A “change” requiring believers to turn away from the world and toward God. It is the change in life that follows from seeing things in a better, truer light. There is another, higher way to live available to everyone. But to move upward, people must make changes in their lives to incorporate more light and truth. By living a higher way, they are repenting. This process is not a single event. It does not happen once. It should happen over and over as all increase the light in their lives.1 Repentance is granted by God (see Alma 10:4; 19:15; Acts 6:9). It involves acquiring light and truth — meaning intelligence. Repentance is abandoning a foolish error, a vain tradition, or a false belief and replacing it with truth.2 Penitence is another way to describe repentance (or the process of change and growing beyond sins that limit your happiness). It comes as you allow Christ to “succor” you through the power of the atonement. Through penitence, people do away with the darkness in their lives and add light instead.3 Repentance is turning away from all other distractions to face God.4
To repent is to turn to Him. To turn to Him is to face Him, listen to Him, heed Him, and pay attention to what He is, says, and does. It is to seek to be in contact with Him. If one is in contact with Him, He will teach him all things he should do (see 2 Nephi 14:1). “Constant contact between you and [God] can and will occupy your desires, thoughts and deeds. But turning to face Him is left to you. He cannot enter where He is not invited. He may want to be a part of your life more than you want Him to. It is your choice to let Him in. Hearing alone will not save you. Doing is the thing which saves.”5
1 Eighteen Verses, 197.
2 Preserving the Restoration, 98.
3 Eighteen Verses, 308.
4 “The Temple,” Portland Temple Symposium, Oct. 9, 2010, transcript of notes from talk.
5 “3 Nephi 14:26–27,” Nov. 2, 2010, blog post.