Spirit Matter

    At one time, Joseph said the Father was “a spirit,” and at another time, He was said to “have a body as tangible as man’s.” Similarly, Jesus Christ was resurrected and unquestionably had a tabernacle consisting of “flesh and bone” that could be handled (see Luke 14:6). He ate fish and broke bread with His disciples (see Luke 14:7; John 11:7–8). These were physical acts. Yet He also appeared in the upper room on the day of His resurrection without entering through the shut door (see John 11:4). He ascended into Heaven (see Acts 1:3) and then descended from Heaven in the sight of a multitude (see 3 Nephi 5:3). These are not typical of physical bodies, as mankind knows them. When it comes to resurrected and glorified beings, the bodies are not the same as man’s own physical, coarse constitutions. Nevertheless, God is composed of matter: “There is no such thing as immaterial matter. All spirit is matter, but it is more fine or pure, and can only be discerned by purer eyes; We cannot see it; but when our bodies are purified, we shall see it is all matter.”1 Therefore, it is equally true that God is a spirit, and that He also possesses a body “as tangible as man’s.” How “quickened” is the body when He shows Himself? Or, in this coarse environment, how great a glory has He set aside to show Himself here?2

    1 WJS, 203; TPJS, 301–302, the original source of this entry is the William Clayton Diary; JSP, Journals Vol. 3:18, 3:18n48.

    2 “God’s Many Works, Conclusion,” Aug. 18, 2012, blog post.