
    Faith is not produced by signs, but signs follow those who believe (see T&C 50:3). That is why Pharaoh was never impressed by the things God did through Moses — signs are inconsequential if one does not have faith. Signs are not controlled by men but are God’s to give as God determines (see T&C 50:3). They should not be the subject of boasting (see T&C 82:22). “Some of the most remarkable signs that have been given to me are only silently recorded in my journal. Signs exist — they have been given to testify of this work. Many of the signs recorded in the lives of believers may be unknown to you, but there are signs in rich abundance among believers today.” The adulterous are the ones who seek signs, according to our Lord, and He said it twice — Matthew’s account includes Him saying it to two different audiences on two different occasions (see Matthew 6:15; 8:15). Adulterers are sign seekers.1 When signs attract followers, the resulting congregation of followers are all vulnerable to the sin of adultery. This is one of the reasons why so many were adulterers in Nauvoo, as well as later in Utah and today among various splinter groups. It is a plague that can only be avoided by removing adulterous thoughts from the heart.2 Contrary to what many have heard all their lives about “signs,” they are and always have been part of the true Gospel. They invariably follow faith but do not and never have produced faith (see T&C 50:3). There are examples of signs throughout God’s dealings with those who follow Him (see, e.g., Helaman 5:10; Ezekiel 12:4; Exodus 7:1; and Acts 2:1). Men and women are supposed to see signs, so that they may know God is with them.3

    1 “Things to Keep Us Awake,” expanded paper of address given in St. George, UT, March 19, 2017, 21–22.

    2 “Adultery,” Dec. 16, 2018, blog post.

    3 “3 Nephi 21:1,” July 12, 2010, blog post.