When Mary was visited by the angel Gabriel and told of Her ministry to bear the Messiah, She responded, Behold the handmaid of the Lord; be it unto me according to your word (Luke 1:6). The term “handmaid” includes the possible meanings: wife, female partner, or consort. Mary was all of these to God the Father.1 When Mary said the words, He has regarded the low estate of his handmaiden (Luke 1:8), the “condescension of God” seems to apply particularly for Her. She laid aside glory to be here, and the Father still held “regard” for His “handmaiden” in this “low estate.” What a great work our Heavenly Parents have undertaken for their children!2
1 “Our Divine Parents,” March 25, 2018, 21, paper.
2 “Our Divine Parents,” March 25, 2018, 22., paper.