An account engraved by Mormon
on plates, taken from the plates of Nephi.
It is a summary of the record of the Nephites, and of the Lamanites, written to the Lamanites — who are a remnant of the house of Israel — and to the Jews and Gentiles; written by means of divine commandment and by the spirit of prophecy and revelation. The records were engraved, sealed, and hidden under the Lord's care so they wouldn't be destroyed, to come forth by God's gift and power to be translated. They were sealed up by Moroni and hidden under the Lord's care, to appear at the right time through the Gentiles, and their translation by the gift of God.
Additionally, includes a summary made from the Book of Ether, which is a record of Jared's people, who were scattered when the Lord confused the people's language as they were building a tower to get to heaven. The purpose of this account is to show the remnant of the house of Israel how the Lord has done great things for their ancestors; and so they can know the Lord's covenants, that they are not rejected forever; and to convince both Jews and Gentiles that Jesus is the Christ, the Eternal God, revealing Himself to all nations. If there are errors, they are human mistakes. That being the case, do not condemn the things of God, so you can be found spotless at Christ's judgment seat.