Chapter 7

  1. 11Now Zeniff conferred the kingdom on Noah, one of his sons; and Noah began to rule in his place. But he didn’t follow his father’s ways. 2He didn’t keep God’s commandments; instead, he followed his own ambitions. He had many wives and concubines. And he led his people to commit sin, to do things the Lord hated; they committed whoredoms and all kinds of evil. 3In addition, he put a 20 percent tax on everything they owned: one-fifth of their gold, silver, ziff, copper, brass, and iron; and one-fifth of their fattened calves and grain. 4He took all this to support himself and his wives and concubines, and to support his priests and their wives and concubines. And so he changed the management of the kingdom, 5removing all the priests ordained by his father and ordaining new ones in their place, priests who were filled with pride to their core. 6In this way they were supported in their laziness, idolatry, and whoredoms by the taxes king Noah imposed on his people. So the people’s hard work was used to support iniquity. 7They were deceived by the king’s and priests’ lying praise and reassurances, appealing to their pride, so much that they reverted to idolatry.
  2. 8And king Noah built many impressive and large buildings, covering them with fine woodwork and a variety of valuable things: gold, silver, iron, brass, ziff, and copper. 9He also built for himself a great palace with a prominent throne in it, the whole thing made of fine wood and adorned with gold, silver, and valuable things. 10He also had his workmen make all kinds of fine work within the temple walls: fine woodwork, copper, and brass. 11And he decorated the seats set apart for the high priests — placed above the other seats — with pure gold. He had a pulpit built in front of them so they could rest their bodies and arms on it while telling lies and praising his people.
  3. 12And he built a tall tower near the temple, a very high tower, so high that he could stand on the top of it and overlook the land of Shilom and also the land of Shemlon occupied by the Lamanites. From there he could survey all the surrounding land.
  4. 13He had many buildings built in the land of Shilom and a great tower built on the hill north of Shilom, which had been a refuge for the children of Nephi when they fled the area. This is how he used the money he obtained by taxing his people.
  5. 14And he loved his money and spent his time in extravagant living with his wives and concubines; and his priests also spent their time with whores. 15He planted vineyards all around the land, and he built winepresses and produced a great volume of wine. As a result, he and his people became drunkards.
  6. 16Then the Lamanites started attacking small numbers of his people, killing them in their fields while they were tending their flocks. 17So king Noah sent guards on all sides of the land to protect against them, but he didn’t send enough. The Lamanites attacked them and killed them, stealing many herds away. In this way the Lamanites began to kill them and act on their hatred of them.
  7. 18Then king Noah sent his armies against them, and they forced them back at first. And so they returned happy about what they had gained in battle. 19Now because of this great victory they arrogantly bragged about their strength, claiming that 50 of them could stand against thousands of the Lamanites. Then they bragged and enjoyed war, and wanted to attack and kill their Lamanite relatives — because of the wicked leadership of their king and priests.
  8. 20But a man who lived among them, named Abinadi, went out and began to prophesy, saying: This is the Lord’s message for me to give to you: Go and tell this people, this is what the Lord says: Woe to this people. I’ve seen their abominations, wickedness, and whoredoms! Unless they repent, I’ll punish them in My anger. 21Unless they repent and turn to the Lord who is God, I’ll let their enemies overpower them; indeed, they’ll be brought into slavery, and be punished by their enemies. 22They will know that I Am the Lord their God — a God who requires faithfulness, punishing My people for their iniquities. 23Unless these people repent and turn to the Lord who is God, they’ll be brought into slavery; no one will set them free except for the Lord the Almighty God. 24When they cry to Me, I’ll be slow to hear their cries. I’ll let them be killed by their enemies. 25Unless they repent in sincere humility and regret, and honestly ask the Lord their God in faith to forgive, I won’t hear their prayers or save them from their punishment. This is what the Lord says and this is what He’s commanded me to say.
  9. 26Now when Abinadi had spoken these words to them, they were furious with him and tried to kill him; but the Lord rescued him. 27When king Noah had heard about the things Abinadi said to the people, he was also very angry and said: Who does Abinadi think he is, judging me and my people like this? Or who is the Lord that He should bring such great trouble on my people? 28I order you to bring Abinadi here so I can kill him. He’s said these things to stir up my people to be angry with each other and to cause conflict among my people; therefore I’ll kill him. 29Now the people were deceived; so they ignored Abinadi’s words and tried to arrest him from that time forward. And king Noah completely ignored the Lord’s word and didn’t change his evildoing.
  10. 12Two years later, Abinadi returned in disguise, and they didn’t recognize him. He once more began to prophesy to them, saying: This is what the Lord has commanded me: Abinadi, go and prophesy to My people: Because you’ve ignored My words and haven’t repented of doing evil, therefore I’ll punish you in My anger, yes, I’ll punish you in My fierce anger for your iniquities and abominations. 2Woe to this generation! And the Lord told me: Stretch out your hand and prophesy: This is what the Lord says: Because of their iniquities, this generation will be enslaved, struck on the cheek, hunted by men, and killed. Vultures, dogs, and wild animals will devour their flesh.
  11. 3And king Noah’s life will have the same future as a piece of cloth thrown in a furnace fire; he’ll know that I Am the Lord. 4I’ll strike My people with terrible afflictions: famine and disease. I’ll make them cry out in pain and sorrow all day long. 5I’ll cause them to carry heavy loads tied on their backs, and they’ll be made to work like pack mules.
  12. 6I’ll send hail to beat upon them. They’ll also encounter burning, dry winds, and insects will plague their land and eat all their grain. 7They’ll be plagued with sicknesses. I’ll do all this because of their iniquities and abominations.
  13. 8Unless they repent, I’ll wipe them off of the earth. However, they’ll leave a record behind, and I’ll protect it so other nations that follow in the land can learn. I’ll do all this to expose this people’s failures to other nations. And Abinadi prophesied many things against the people.
  14. 9So they were angry with him. And they took him, tied him up, and brought him before the king, and said to the king: We’ve brought a man before you who’s prophesied evil about your people saying God will destroy them. 10He also prophesies evil about your life and says that your life will end up like a piece of cloth in a fiery furnace. 11He also says you’ll be like a stalk, a dry stalk in a field, which gets run over by animals and trampled underfoot. 12Furthermore, he also says you’ll be like a thistle’s blossoms, which, when it has matured and the wind blows, are scattered over the land. And he claims the Lord has spoken it. He also says all this will happen to you unless you repent — because of your iniquities.
  15. 13Now, your majesty, what great evil have you done? Or what great sins have your people committed that we should be condemned by God or judged by this man? 14We know, your majesty, we are innocent. And you, your majesty, haven’t sinned. Therefore this man has lied about you and prophesied falsehoods. 15We are strong and can’t be enslaved or be taken captive by our enemies. And you’ve prospered in the land and will continue to prosper. 16Here is the man. We’re handing him over to you. You may do with him as you wish.
  16. 17Then king Noah had Abinadi thrown in prison and he ordered his priests to assemble so that he could hold a council with them about what to do with him. 18They said to the king: Bring him here so we can question him. And the king ordered him to be brought to them. 19They started questioning him, to get him to contradict himself and have something to accuse him with. But he answered them boldly and to their astonishment defended against all their claims, proving them wrong in everything they said.
  17. 20One of them asked him: What do the following words from scripture mean, that were taught to us by our fathers? 21How welcome on the mountain are the footsteps of those announcing good news, that proclaim peace, that report coming good fortune, announcing victory, telling Zion: Your God reigns! 22Listen, your border guards shout out together their joyful praise, for everyone will witness the Lord’s return to Zion. 23Everyone will proclaim together, O ruins of Jerusalem! The Lord now comforts you His people, coming to redeem Jerusalem. 24The Lord will bare His holy arm in the sight of every nation, and all will see God’s victory to the very end of the earth. 25Then Abinadi asked them: Aren’t you priests who claim to teach this people and to understand the spirit of prophesying, and yet you need me to explain to you what these things mean? 26I tell you: Woe to you for perverting the Lord’s ways! Because, if you understand these things, you haven’t taught them. Therefore you’ve perverted the Lord’s ways. 27You haven’t devoted yourselves in order to understand; therefore you are unwise. What then do you teach this people? 28And they replied: We teach the Law of Moses. 29Then he asked them: If you teach the Law of Moses, why don’t you keep it? Why do you set your hearts on being rich? Why do you commit whoredoms and dissipate yourselves with prostitutes and lead this people to commit sin, making it necessary for the Lord to send me to prophesy against this people — indeed, a terrible judgment coming for this people? 30Don’t you know I speak the truth? Yes, you know that I speak the truth; and you ought to tremble before God.
  18. 31You’ll be afflicted because of your iniquities, since you’ve said that you teach the Law of Moses. But what do you know about the Law of Moses? Does salvation come by the Law of Moses? What do you think? 32And they responded, saying salvation did come by the Law of Moses. 33But Abinadi said to them: I know if you keep God’s commandments, you will be saved — if you keep the commandments the Lord gave Moses on Mount Sinai, saying: 34I Am the Lord your God, who have saved you from the land of Egypt, out of slavery. 35You shall have no other God besides Me. 36You shall not make for yourself any sculptured image, or any imitation of what is in heaven above, or upon the land or under water. 37Now Abinadi asked them: Have you done all this? I tell you: No, you haven’t. Have you taught this people to do all this? I tell you: No, you haven’t.
  19. 13When the king had heard these words, he told his priests: Take this man away and kill him! Why are we wasting our time with him? - he’s crazy! 2And they stepped forward and tried to grab him, but he resisted, telling them: 3Don’t touch me! God will strike you if you lay your hands on me; I haven’t yet given the message the Lord sent me to give, and I haven’t answered your question yet. Therefore God won’t allow you to kill me at this time. 4But I must complete the commandments God has given me. And because I’ve told you the truth, you’re angry with me. Because I’ve spoken God’s word, you’ve concluded that I’m crazy.
  20. 5After Abinadi had said this, king Noah’s people didn’t dare seize him, since the Spirit of the Lord was upon him. His face was shining brightly like Moses’ face did while he was on Mount Sinai speaking with the Lord. 6And he spoke with power and authority from God. Then he continued with his message, saying: 7You see that you don’t have power to kill me. So I’ll finish my message. I sense that it cuts you to your core because I’m telling you the truth about your iniquities. 8My words fill you with wonder, amazement, and anger. 9But I’ll finish my message, and then it doesn’t matter what happens next, or if I survive at all. 10But I tell you this much: What you do with me after this will be the same fate you will suffer. 11Now I’ll read to you the rest of God’s commandments, because I can tell they aren’t written in your hearts. It’s clear to me that you’ve devoted yourselves to and taught iniquity the majority of your lives.
  21. 12And now you remember I said: You shall not make for yourself any sculptured image, or any imitation of what is in heaven above, or upon the land or under water. 13Furthermore: You shall not worship them or serve them, because I, the Lord your God, am a jealous God, visiting the guilt of the fathers on the children through the third and fourth generation of those that abandon Me, 14but giving forgiveness to the thousandth generation of those that obey Me and keep My commandments. 15You shall not use the name of the Lord your God to accomplish your ambitions, for the Lord will not forgive him who advances himself using God’s name. 16Remember to keep the Sabbath holy. 17Six days you shall work and do all your laboring; 18but the seventh day, the Sabbath of the Lord your God, you shall not do any work, not you or your son, or your daughter, any male or female servant, nor your cattle, nor any visitor within your settlement. 19For in six days the Lord made heaven, and earth, and the sea, and everything in them; the Lord rested and blessed the seventh day. 20Respect your father and your mother, so that your life is prolonged on the land the Lord your God assigns to you. 21You shall not murder. 22You shall not commit adultery. You shall not steal. 23You shall not testify falsely as a witness against your neighbor. 24You shall not covet your neighbor’s house; you shall not covet your neighbor’s wife, nor his male or female servant, nor his ox, nor his donkey, nor anything that is your neighbor’s.