Book Reference Synonyms
The following synonyms can be used for books in scriptural references:
Old Covenants |
Book Name | Primary Abbreviation | Other Recognized Abbreviations |
Genesis | Gen. | Gen, Ge, Gn, Genesis |
Exodus | Exod. | Exo, Ex, Exod, Exodus |
Leviticus | Lev. | Lev, Le, Lv, Leviticus |
Numbers | Num. | Num, Nu, Nm, Nb, Numbers |
Deuteronomy | Deut. | Deut, Dt, Deuteronomy |
The Book of Joshua | Josh. | Josh, Jos, Jo, Joshua |
The Book of Judges | Judg. | Judg, Jdg, Jg, Jgs, Jdgs, Judges |
The Book of Ruth | Ruth | Rth, Ru, Ruth |
The First Book of Samuel | 1 Sam. | 1 Sam, 1 Sa, 1Samuel, 1S, I Sa, 1 Sm, 1Sa, I Sam, 1Sam, I Samuel, 1st Samuel, First Samuel, 1 Samuel |
The Second Book of Samuel | 2 Sam. | 2 Sam, 2 Sa, 2S, II Sa, 2 Sm, 2Sa, II Sam, 2Sam, II Samuel, 2Samuel, 2nd Samuel, Second Samuel, 2 Samuel |
The First Book of the Kings | 1 Kings | 1 Kgs, 1 Ki, 1K, I Kgs, 1Kgs, I Ki, 1Ki, I Kings, 1Kings, 1st Kgs, 1st Kings, First Kings, First Kgs, 1Kin, 1 Kings |
The Second Book of the Kings | 2 Kings | 2 Kgs, 2 Ki, 2K, II Kgs, 2Kgs, II Ki, 2Ki, II Kings, 2Kings, 2nd Kgs, 2nd Kings, Second Kings, Second Kgs, 2Kin, 2 Kings |
The First Book of the Chronicles | 1 Chron. | 1 Chron, 1 Ch, I Ch, 1Ch, 1 Chr, I Chr, 1Chr, I Chron, 1Chron, I Chronicles, 1Chronicles, 1st Chronicles, First Chronicles, 1 Chronicles |
The Second Book of the Chronicles | 2 Chron. | 2 Chron, 2 Ch, II Ch, 2Ch, II Chr, 2Chr, II Chron, 2Chron, II Chronicles, 2Chronicles, 2nd Chronicles, Second Chronicles, 2 Chronicles |
Ezra | Ezra | Ezra, Ezr |
The Book of Nehemiah | Neh. | Neh, Ne, Nehemiah |
The Book of Esther | Esther | Esth, Es, Esther |
The Book of Job | Job | Jb, Job |
The Book of Psalms | Ps. | Pslm, Ps, Psalms, Psa, Psm, Pss, Psalm |
The Proverbs | Prov. | Prov, Pr, Prv, Proverbs |
Ecclesiastes or the Preacher | Eccles. | Eccles, Ec, Eccl, Ecc, Qoh, Qoheleth, Ecclesiastes |
The Book of the Prophet Isaiah | Isa. | Isa, Is, Isaiah |
The Book of the Prophet Jeremiah | Jer. | Jer, Je, Jr, Jeremiah |
The Lamentations of Jeremiah | Lam. | Lam, La, Lamentations |
The Book of the Prophet Ezekiel | Ezek. | Ezek, Eze, Ezk, Ez, Ezekiel |
The Book of Daniel | Dan. | Dan, Da, Dn, Daniel |
Hosea | Hosea | Hos, Ho, Hosea |
Joel | Joel | Joe, Jl, Joel |
Amos | Amos | Amos, Am |
Obadiah | Obad. | Obad, Ob, Obadiah |
Jonah | Jon. | Jnh, Jon, Jonah |
Micah | Mic. | Micah, Mic, Mi |
Nahum | Nah. | Nah, Na, Nahum |
Habakkuk | Hab. | Hab, Hb, Habakkuk |
Zephaniah | Zeph. | Zeph, Zep, Zp, Zephaniah |
Haggai | Hag. | Hag, Hg, Haggai |
Zechariah | Zech. | Zech, Zec, Zc, Zechariah |
Malachi | Mal. | Mal, Ml, Malachi |
Appendix | OC Appx. | Oc Appendix, Oc Appx |
The New Covenants |
Book Name | Primary Abbreviation | Other Recognized Abbreviations |
Foreword to the New Covenants | NCFor | Ncforeword, Ncfor, Ncf, Nc Foreword |
New Testament |
Book Name | Primary Abbreviation | Other Recognized Abbreviations |
The Testimony of St. Matthew | Matt. | Matt, Mt, Matthew |
The Gospel According to St. Mark | Mark | Mrk, Mk, Mr, Mark |
Luke | Luke | Luk, Lk, Luke |
The Testimony of John | John | John, Jn, Jhn |
The Acts of the Apostles | Acts | Acts, Ac |
The Epistle to the Romans | Rom. | Rom, Ro, Rm, Romans |
The First Epistle to the Corinthians | 1 Cor. | 1 Cor, 1 Co, I Co, 1Co, I Cor, 1Cor, I Corinthians, 1Corinthians, 1st Corinthians, First Corinthians, 1 Corinthians |
Corinthians | 2 Cor. | 2 Cor, 2 Co, II Co, 2Co, II Cor, 2Cor, II Corinthians, 2Corinthians, 2nd Corinthians, Second Corinthians, 2 Corinthians |
The Epistle to the Galatians | Gal. | Gal, Ga, Galatians |
The Epistle to the Ephesians | Eph. | Ephes, Eph, Ephesians |
The Epistle to the Philippians | Phil. | Phil, Philip, Php, Philippians |
The Epistle to the Colossians | Col. | Col, Colossians |
The First Epistle to the Thessalonians | 1 Thess. | 1 Thess, 1 Th, I Th, 1Th, I Thes, 1Thes, 1 Thes, I Thess, 1Thess, I Thessalonians, 1Thessalonians, 1st Thessalonians, First Thessalonians, 1 Thessalonians |
Thessalonians | 2 Thess. | 2 Thess, 2 Th, II Th, 2Th, II Thes, 2Thes, 2 Thes, II Thess, 2Thess, II Thessalonians, 2Thessalonians, 2nd Thessalonians, Second Thessalonians, 2 Thessalonians |
The First Epistle to Timothy | 1 Tim. | 1 Tim, 1 Ti, 1 Tm, I Ti, 1Ti, I Tim, 1Tim, I Timothy, 1Timothy, 1st Timothy, First Timothy, 1 Timothy |
The Second Epistle to Timothy | 2 Tim. | 2 Tim, 2 Ti, 2 Tm, II Ti, 2Ti, II Tim, 2Tim, II Timothy, 2Timothy, 2nd Timothy, Second Timothy, 2 Timothy |
The Epistle to Titus | Titus | Titus, Tit, Ti |
The Epistle to Philemon | Philem. | Philem, Phm, Phlm, Philemon |
The Epistle to the Hebrews | Heb. | Hebrews, Heb |
The Epistle of Jacob | Ep. Jacob | 1 Jacob, 1 Jac, 1Jac, James, Jas, Jm, E Jacob, Ep Jacob, Ejacob, Epistle Of Jacob |
The First Epistle of Peter | 1 Pet. | 1 Pet, 1 Pe, I Pe, 1Pe, I Pet, 1Pet, I Pt, 1 Pt, 1Pt, I Peter, 1Peter, 1st Peter, First Peter, 1 Peter |
The Second Epistle of Peter | 2 Pet. | 2 Pet, 2 Pe, II Pe, 2Pe, II Pet, 2Pet, II Pt, 2 Pt, 2Pt, II Peter, 2Peter, 2nd Peter, Second Peter, 2 Peter |
The First Epistle General of John | 1 John | 1 John, 1 Jn, I Jn, 1Jn, I Jo, 1Jo, I Joh, 1Joh, I Jhn, 1 Jhn, 1Jhn, I John, 1John, 1st John, First John |
The Second Epistle of John | 2 John | 2 John, 2 Jn, II Jn, 2Jn, II Jo, 2Jo, II Joh, 2Joh, II Jhn, 2 Jhn, 2Jhn, II John, 2John, 2nd John, Second John |
The Third Epistle of John | 3 John | 3 John, 3 Jn, III Jn, 3Jn, III Jo, 3Jo, III Joh, 3Joh, III Jhn, 3 Jhn, 3Jhn, III John, 3John, 3rd John, Third John |
The Epistle of Judas | Judas | Jude, Jud, Jd, Judah, Judas |
The Revelation of John | Rev. | Rev, Rv, Re, The Revelation, Revelation |
Appendix | NT Appx. | Nt Appendix, Nt Appx |
Book of Mormon |
Book Name | Primary Abbreviation | Other Recognized Abbreviations |
The First Book of Nephi | 1 Ne. | 1st Nephi, 1 Ne, 1 Nephi, 1Nephi |
The Second Book of Nephi | 2 Ne. | 2nd Nephi, 2 Ne, 2 Nephi, 2Nephi |
The Book of Jacob | Jacob | Jacob, Jac |
The Book of Enos | Enos | Enos, En |
The Book of Jarom | Jar. | Jarom, Jar |
The Book of Omni | Omni | Omni, Om |
The Words of Mormon | WoM | Wom, W Of M, Words Of Mormon |
The Book of Mosiah | Mos. | Mosiah, Msh, Mos |
The Book of Alma | Alma | Alma, Al |
The Book of Helaman | Hel. | Hel, Helaman |
The Book of Third Nephi | 3 Ne. | 3rd Nephi, 3 Ne, 3 Nephi, 3Nephi |
The Book of Fourth Nephi | 4 Ne. | 4Th Nephi, 4 Ne, 4 Nephi, 4Nephi |
The Book of Mormon | Morm. | Mormon, Morm, Mrm |
The Book of Ether | Eth. | Ether, Eth |
The Book of Moroni | Moro. | Moroni, Moro, Mro |
Appendix | BoM Appx. | Bom Appendix, Bom Appx |
Teachings and Commandments |
Book Name | Primary Abbreviation | Other Recognized Abbreviations |
Canonization | TCCanon | Tccanonization, T&c Canonization |
Sections | T&C | T&c, Section, Teachings And Commandments, Teachings & Commandments, Tc |
Joseph Smith History | JSH | Jsh, Js-h, Joseph Smith History, Joseph Smith-history, Jshistory |
Lectures On Faith | LoF | Lof, Lectures On Faith, Lecture |
The Book of Abraham | Abr. | Abr, Abraham |
The Testimony of St. John | Testimony of St. John | Tsj, Toj, Tosj, Testimony Of John, Testimony Of St John, Testimony Of Saint John, Test Of Saint John, Test Of St John, T Of St John, T Of John |