- The New Covenants
- Book of Mormon
- Moroni
Chapter 1
Now I, Moroni, after having made an end of abridging the account of the people of Jared, I had supposed to not have written more, but I have not as yet perished. And I make not myself known to the Lamanites lest they should destroy me. For behold, their wars are exceeding fierce among themselves; and because of their hatred, they put to death every Nephite that will not deny the...
Chapter 2
The words of Christ which he spake unto his disciples, the twelve whom he had chosen, as he laid his hands upon them. And he called them by name, saying, Ye shall call on the Father in my name in mighty prayer, and after that ye have done this, ye shall have power that on him whom ye shall lay your hands, ye shall give the holy ghost. And in my name shall ye give it, for thus do mine apostles....
Chapter 3
The manner which the disciples, which were called the elders of the church, ordained priests and teachers. After they had prayed unto the Father in the name of Christ, they laid their hands upon them and said, In the name of Jesus Christ, I ordain you to be a priest (or if he be a teacher, I ordain you to be a teacher) to preach repentance and remission of sins through Jesus Christ by the...
Chapter 4
The manner of their elders and priests administering the flesh and blood of Christ unto the church. And they administered it according to the commandments of Christ; wherefore, we know that the manner to be true. And the elder or priest did minister it; and they did kneel down with the church and pray to the Father in the name of Christ, saying, O God the Eternal Father, we ask thee in the name...
Chapter 5
The manner of administering the wine. Behold, they took the cup and said, O God the Eternal Father, we ask thee in the name of thy Son Jesus Christ to bless and sanctify this wine to the souls of all those who drink of it, that they may do it in remembrance of the blood of thy Son, which was shed for them, that they may witness unto thee, O God the Eternal Father, that they do always remember...
Chapter 6
And now I speak concerning baptism. Behold, elders, priests, and teachers were baptized; and they were not baptized save they brought forth fruit meet that they were worthy of it. Neither did they receive any unto baptism save they came forth with a broken heart and a contrite spirit, and witnessed unto the church that they truly repented of all their sins. And none were received unto baptism...
Chapter 7
And now I, Moroni, write a few of the words of my father, Mormon, which he spake concerning faith, hope, and charity, for after this manner did he speak unto the people as he taught them in the synagogue which they had built for the place of worship:
And now I, Mormon, speak unto you, my beloved brethren. And it is by the grace of God the Father and our Lord Jesus Christ and his holy will, because...
Chapter 8
An epistle of my father, Mormon, written to me, Moroni; and it was written unto me soon after my calling to the ministry. And on this wise did he write unto me, saying, My beloved son Moroni, I rejoice exceedingly that your Lord Jesus Christ hath been mindful of you and hath called you to his ministry and to his holy work. I am mindful of you always in my prayers, continually praying unto God the...
Chapter 9
The second epistle of Mormon to his son Moroni.
My beloved son, I write unto you again, that ye may know that I am yet alive; but I write somewhat that which is grievous. For behold, I have had a sore battle with the Lamanites in the which we did not conquer. And Archeantus has fallen by the sword, and also Luram, and Emron; yea, and we have lost a great number of our choice men. And now behold,...
Chapter 10
Now I, Moroni, write somewhat as seemeth me good, and I write unto my brethren the Lamanites. And I would that they should know that more than four hundred and twenty years have passed away since the sign was given of the coming of Christ. And I seal up these records after I have spoken a few words by way of exhortation unto you.
Behold, I would exhort you that when ye shall read these things, if...