Sacred Information

    Almost without exception, people who are unable to keep things sacred will never receive exposure to the most sacred. When a person treats sacred information in an appropriate way, they prove (Abraham 6:2) themselves to be worthy of weightier information. When it is given unto [them] to know the mysteries of God…they are laid under a strict command that they shall not impart — only according to the portion of his word which he doth grant unto the children of men, according to the heed and diligence which they give unto him (Alma 9:3). That which is holy belongs to those who make themselves holy through their repentance. When the price has been paid, the person is now trusted, and the mysteries have been shown unto them, they possess pearls of great price. Such things do not belong to “swine” who are unclean, unrepentant, unwilling to do what is needed to qualify for the Lord’s presence, unthankful, and unholy (see 3 Nephi 6:2; T&C 25:2). Entrusting the things that are, in truth, most sacred to those who are not qualified will arouse their anger. They will “turn and rend” the humble followers of God (see Helaman 2:35) because they will have been shown something that excites their envy, jealousy, hatred, and fear. They know God’s chosen has something they lack. They harbor resentment because of what they cannot easily obtain. Therefore, one must carefully measure what is given to others. The final arbiter of the decision to impart is not made by man; it is made by the Lord. Those who are eager to share with others any tidbit of information they learn about the sacred are not helping anyone and may forfeit things themselves. Why would they do such a thing? Is it to make themselves look good — therefore, because of vanity? Is it to try to help others? If it is to help, then the information should not be shared; the manner in which the information is gained should be shared. Teaching another the way to receive sacred information for themselves is charitable. Showing off sacred information is worse than foolish — it will bless no one and will destroy both the unprepared audience and the unwise speaker.1