White Garments

    To have the blood and sins of one’s generation removed from him; to be purified; to be sanctified by the Lamb — removing from the individual and taking upon Himself the responsibility to answer for whatever failings he has. This is not ritual purity. This is purity in fact. Therefore, they were called after this Holy Order and were sanctified, and their garments were washed white through the blood of the Lamb. Now they, after being sanctified by the holy ghost, having their garments made white, being pure and spotless before God, could not look upon sin save it were with abhorrence. And there were many, an exceeding great many, who were made pure and entered into the rest of the Lord their God (Alma 10:1). This describes those who are qualified to stand in the presence of God without sin; they are clean of all blood and sin — righteous for ever. “He is Christ’s, and Christ is the Father’s, and all that each of them will be is the same; for we shall see Him as He is, because we will be like Him. To be like Him is to be sanctified.”1 These people are sanctified by the holy ghost as a result of having their garments made white. They are pure and spotless before God. This is the reason they can enter His presence. He has accepted them because, just like Him, they are without sin. They were not perfected by their own acts. The earlier reference to their repentance makes that clear. They become pure and spotless before God because they have done what was asked of them to become clean. They have repented.2 “Christ sanctifies us, we don’t sanctify ourselves. Our ‘righteousness’ is borrowed from Him. It can be symbolized in this way. He provides a white robe, we put it on, and then He looks upon the whiteness and purity of the robe we received from Him and treats us as if the borrowed robe is our condition. We owe Him for that. He is willing to proceed with us as if we merited the robe. (See 2 Nephi 6:5.)”3

    1 “Alma 13:11,” June 12, 2010, blog post.

    2 “Alma 13:12,” June 12, 2010, blog post.

    3 “Last Week’s Comments,” May 19, 2012, blog post.