Father of Many Nations

    The role that is occupied by the head of the human family; a priesthood line in which only one in each generation stands at the head as the Father. “Upon the death of one of these Fathers (speaking about the rights belonging to the Fathers), the family knew who stood next in line in order to be the father of all, the father of many nations. [The] Priesthood appoints one who stands as the father of all, and this is the reason for Abraham’s desire to become a father of many nations. This is why he is called father Abraham (Luke 9:20; John 6:16; Acts 4:3; Romans 1:19; Joshua 5:3) — because if Abraham stepped into the line, he necessarily stepped into the role of providing the government of God by assuming the duty of father. Christ is the one to whom all generations belong. He is the Redeemer of all mankind, and as the Savior of mankind He becomes the Father of all (1 Corinthians 1:63; Mosiah 8:5; Alma 8:15; Ether 1:13).”1

    1 “Zion Will Come,” Moab, UT, April 10, 2016, 7–8.